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If the Busitema University holds copyright

In some cases, the copyright to work may be held by Busitema University. For example, if the author is an academic professional at the University and the work is authored as a condition of employment, then the University typically owns the copyright. For the cases where the University owns the copyright, it is not feasible or advisable for authors to request permission to deposit from the University Council for every work. The copyright policy requires that the author determines whether or not the work is appropriate for deposit by contacting the head of the unit where the work was created and asking for permission. 

If the copyright holder has permission to deposit this material into BDEARS, then must agree to the terms in the non-exclusive distribution and preservation license for BDEARS. This allows the University Library to disseminate the deposited work over the web and make copies of that work for preservation purposes.

If the work is in the public domain (for example, a work published before 1923) or not subject to copyright (for example, a data set), the copyright holder shall deposit the work into BDEARS if he/she has the authority to do so. For example, if the copyright holder has a digitized version of a public domain work that was obtained from the archives, may need to request permission from that archive to deposit the item; likewise, if he/she deposits a research data set that is not subject to copyright, should have full permissions from the responsible party (Principle Investigator) to deposit. We request that copyright holders take note the status (in the public domain, not subject to copyright) of the work in the Rights field when depositing the work.